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Heavy-load Ball Transfer Unit - SR04-160 (9163)

housing -coated, barrel ball-metal bright, barrel ball-Ø (dw): 76,2; load capacity [N]: 45 500

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Features: housing -coated, barrel ball-metal bright, barrel ball-Ø (dw): 76,2; load capacity [N]: 45 500 ... more

Heavy-load Ball Transfer Unit - SR04-160 (9163)

housing -coated, barrel ball-metal bright, barrel ball-Ø (dw): 76,2; load capacity [N]: 45 500

High load capacity Sensitivity to dirt Low-noise OPTIONAL: stainless-steel

Heavy-load Ball Transfer Unit with threaded shaft - for very high load ratings in a compact design.

In this design, the supporting balls run on a hardened, polished steel table and the ball return is regulated. This guarantees particularly smooth and even running behaviour.
The Heavy-load Ball Transfer Unit is also suitable for upside down use installation.

On request also available with plastic balls or with stainless balls, as well as completely in stainless.

Technische Daten

product group: heavy-load ball transfer units
product name: heavy-load ball transfer units
typ/model: SR
Artikelnummer alternativ: 9163
material: coated/metal
main ball material: metal
main balll-Ø (dw): 76,2
load rating C (N): 45500
speed. max. [m/s]: 2