When will I receive my order?
You will find the expected delivery date of your order on your order confirmation. Please note: The confirmed delivery date refers to the date on which the goods leave our premises.
How can I order from Dr. TRETTER?
You can order at any time by e-mail or fax. You can also contact our customer service by telephone.
Complete data is required for first-time orders. Please send them to us here in writing.
Is there a minimum order value?
Yes, please note our minimum invoice value of €30.00.
What payment methods are available?
Payment for orders is possible by invoice. We reserve the right to change the terms of payment to prepayment in the event of a lack of creditworthiness.
How can I change my payment terms?
The terms of payment are by invoice and cannot be changed. If you require further information, please contact us by phone or e-mail.