Drei schwarze Präzisionskomponenten für lineare Technologien von Dr. TRETTER.

Housing - compact steel housing - WBG25-000

housing compact steel housing for ball screw nuts according to DIN; size (Ø):25

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Features : housing compact steel housing for ball screw nuts according to DIN; size (Ø):25 ... more

Housing - compact steel housing - WBG25-000


housing compact steel housings for ball screw nuts according to DIN; size (Ø):25

Compact High load capacity low corrosion

With the compact steel housings for ball screw nuts according to DIN (form B), the product variety of Dr. Tretter in the field of KGT is now extended.
The steel housings serve as a connecting element between drive and guide and guarantee a simple and accurate fit assembly.

Technische Daten

product group: housing
product name: steel housing
typ/model: WBG
material: steel
size (shaft-Ø): 25