Hochwertiger Linearantrieb von Dr. TRETTER für präzise Anwendungen in der Lineartechnik.

Ball Bushing Unit - Twin Shaft Support Bracket - TB46-850

Twin Shaft Support Bracket ; Size(Ø): 50

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Ball Bushing Unit - Twin Shaft Support Bracket - TB46-850

Twin Shaft Support Bracket ; Size(Ø): 50

The use of the block of four proves to be more cost-effective than the use of four bearing units or two tandem bearing units.
The shaft ends are screwed together with movable transverses. The steel shafts are machined to customer specifications and are available in any length.

Technische Daten

product group: bearing units
product name: Traverse
typ/model: TB
design: open
size (shaft-Ø): 50