Graue Elastomerkupplungen mit roten Dämpfungselementen in unterschiedlichen Größen.

Accessories - Shaft couplings - WK40-01R

Shaft couplings for Ball Screws and Trapezoidal Screw Drives; size (Ø):14

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Accessories - Shaft couplings - WK40-01R


Shaft couplings for Ball Screws and Trapezoidal Screw Drives; size (Ø):20

low corrosion Easy to install Compact

The connection of a ball screw or a Trapezoidal Screw to the drive journal of a motor or gearbox is usually not rigid, but rather via an exible coupling.
In this way, center misalignments or misalignments can be compensated and vibrations and shocks in the drive train can be minimized. The couplings serve as a connecting element between the drive
and Ball Screw and guarantee a simple and precise fit assembly.


Technische Daten

product group: shaft couplings
product name: shaft couplings
typ/model: WK
material: aluminium, anodized
size (shaft-Ø): 40